Why Electric Beds Are Not Just For Older Australians

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Reduce, Reuse and Recycle - In Style!

I love furniture, ornaments and other pieces that have a history to them. Almost everything in my home has a story behind it: I have a coffee table made out of old fishing boats from Bali, a light fitting that was first used on a cruise ship in 1902 and a bedstead I put together myself from pieces of driftwood! Furniture like this adds beauty, texture and depth to any interior design scheme--and it's easier to find than you might imagine, too. I've started this blog to share my passion for reclaimed and recycled furniture with the world, and I hope you're able to learn something new and exciting here.

Why Electric Beds Are Not Just For Older Australians

30 September 2020
 Categories: , Blog

While many people would see the benefits of an adjustable electric bed for older Australians, not many consider how these benefits could also be helping them get a better night sleep. Considering you sleep for about one-third of your life, getting the right bed and mattress is so important to your overall health. Millions of Australians suffer from poor sleep, and if you can try to fix it with something as simple as an adjustable electric bed, then why wouldn't you? Here are three reasons why these adjustable beds are not just for older Australians but for anyone looking to get a good sleep.


Reflux is a common problem that can be very frustrating to deal with, especially when you want nothing more than to go to sleep. While an adjustable bed will not cure your reflux, it can help reduce the effects of it while you are trying to fall asleep. By simply elevating the top half of your body, you instantly lower the risk of reflux and give yourself some much-needed peace and quiet. Many people who suffer from bad indigestion and other eating-related conditions also find that an adjustable electric bed helps them avoid the worst of the symptoms. 

Breathing Issues

While sleep apnea and snoring are well known, they can also be greatly reduced by sleeping with a slight upright angle. Even just a few degrees can help reduce pressure on your neck and windpipe, which allows the air to flow in and out unimpeded. Most of the time the people who really appreciate this difference are the partners of those who suffer from sleep apnea or snoring, as they now also get a good night's sleep without having to drown out the white noise of their partner's breathing.

Circulation Problems

Because an adjustable electric bed can lift or lower any section above any other section, it can keep your blood and circulatory system working as efficiently as possible even while you sleep. If you have problems with your legs or perhaps your arm or any other body part, you can simply lift or lower that section of your bed to ensure that it is either above or below the heart, depending on what the problem is. Having good circulation while sleeping is very important to a relaxing sleep, and this can be a problem at any age, not just for older Australians. Many medical professionals will recommend an adjustable electric bed if circulation does become a concern in your life.

For more information, contact an adjustable electric bed supplier today.