2 Wardrobe Designs That Can Elevate Your Space

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Reduce, Reuse and Recycle - In Style!

I love furniture, ornaments and other pieces that have a history to them. Almost everything in my home has a story behind it: I have a coffee table made out of old fishing boats from Bali, a light fitting that was first used on a cruise ship in 1902 and a bedstead I put together myself from pieces of driftwood! Furniture like this adds beauty, texture and depth to any interior design scheme--and it's easier to find than you might imagine, too. I've started this blog to share my passion for reclaimed and recycled furniture with the world, and I hope you're able to learn something new and exciting here.

2 Wardrobe Designs That Can Elevate Your Space

6 February 2023
 Categories: , Blog

When it comes to wardrobe designs, one size does not fit all. Everyone has their style and preferences when it comes to the clothes they wear. Whether you prefer traditional wooden cabinets or modern closets with sliding doors, there are plenty of choices available in the market.

Here are just a few of the available wardrobe designs that can help elevate your space.

Freestanding Wardrobes 

Freestanding wardrobes are a great option if you don't want to commit to making permanent changes in your home. They have a classic and timeless look, making them an ideal choice for any space. You can also move them around easily since they don't require extra installation.

The best part is that freestanding wardrobes come in various materials, such as wood, metal, plastic or other materials. You can also customize them with different colours, finishes and hardware to fit your personal style.

If you're looking for a more traditional look, you could opt for a wooden freestanding wardrobe with doors that swing or slide open. Or, if you're looking for something more modern, a metal wardrobe with sliding doors could be the right choice.

Make sure to measure the space where you plan to install it so that you can find a wardrobe that fits perfectly. This way, you can maximize the use of your space without compromising on style.

Built-In Wardrobes

If you're looking for a more permanent solution for your wardrobe needs, then built-in wardrobes may be the best choice. Built-in wardrobes can be customized to match the aesthetic of your home, and they blend into the walls and ceilings, creating a more integrated look.

For instance, if you're going for a classic look, opt for built-in wooden wardrobes with hinged doors. This way, they won't stand out as much and will help create a more unified look.

On the other hand, if you're looking for something more modern, opt for built-in wardrobes with sliding doors. This type of wardrobe is perfect for contemporary homes as it can help to create a minimalistic look. Plus, the sliding doors make it easier to access your clothing without having to open and close heavy-hinged doors.

Before you choose a built-in wardrobe design, you could also consider adding extra features like drawers or shelves for better storage. This way, you can keep your clothes and other items neatly organized.

There are plenty of wardrobe designs available that can help you transform your space and make it look more fashionable. Whether you prefer a traditional or modern style, there's a wardrobe solution for you. The right design can help you make your space look stylish and organized.

Find out more about wardrobes.