Reduce, Reuse and Recycle - In Style!

About Me
Reduce, Reuse and Recycle - In Style!

I love furniture, ornaments and other pieces that have a history to them. Almost everything in my home has a story behind it: I have a coffee table made out of old fishing boats from Bali, a light fitting that was first used on a cruise ship in 1902 and a bedstead I put together myself from pieces of driftwood! Furniture like this adds beauty, texture and depth to any interior design scheme--and it's easier to find than you might imagine, too. I've started this blog to share my passion for reclaimed and recycled furniture with the world, and I hope you're able to learn something new and exciting here.

Types of Exhibition Walls for School Art Shows

17 February 2025
 Categories: , Blog

Organising a school art show is an excellent way to celebrate creativity and showcase the artistic talent of students. A key component in curating an effective and visually appealing display is the choice of exhibition walls. These walls play a central role in presenting artwork in a professional manner, ensuring that each piece receives the attention it deserves. Read on to explore various types of exhibition walls suited for school art shows, highlighting their features and advantages. Read More …

A Guide To Choosing The Perfect Lounge

30 October 2023
 Categories: , Blog

Choosing the perfect lounge can be a daunting task. With an abundance of choices at your disposal — varying materials, styles, colours and shapes — it can be daunting to determine where to begin. However, since a lounge is one of the most important pieces of furniture in your home, investing in a suitable one is crucial. This post will guide you on what to look for in a lounge so you can select the one that fits your needs and preferences. Read More …

2 Wardrobe Designs That Can Elevate Your Space

6 February 2023
 Categories: , Blog

When it comes to wardrobe designs, one size does not fit all. Everyone has their style and preferences when it comes to the clothes they wear. Whether you prefer traditional wooden cabinets or modern closets with sliding doors, there are plenty of choices available in the market. Here are just a few of the available wardrobe designs that can help elevate your space. Freestanding Wardrobes  Freestanding wardrobes are a great option if you don't want to commit to making permanent changes in your home. Read More …

What You’re Really Doing When You Buy An Australian-Made Bed

2 August 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Furniture shopping is no longer the easy day trip it once was. Supply chain issues linger on, mainly in the form of delayed deliveries. That, of course, has a chain reaction that causes issues with stores and with shipping the item to your home. One way to combat this issue is to buy things like beds made in Australia. That helps avoid supply chain issues that involve items shipped from overseas. Read More …

3 Reasons to Get a Corner Sofa for Your Home

23 November 2021
 Categories: , Blog

A home isn't complete without the right set of furniture. And when it comes to choosing seats, your options are limitless. However, this also means that to narrow down your options to something that suits your interior décor while being functional, you need to consider several factors. In most cases, your choice will often come down to personal preference. However, some options may work better than others, depending on what you need. Read More …